Painting – May I get an epidural with that?

paintbrushThere are a few things in the world that I hate, june bugs, matching socks and painting; to name a few. Screen doors take care of the june bugs. The sock basket (my husband refuses to admit this exists) takes care of the need to match socks, but painting, now that is trickier. Something always needs to be painted or seems like it needs sprucing up.

Painting projects, well large ones at least, don’t happen that often allowing you time to forget all you suffered during your last painting episode. Kinda like childbirth and that convenient amnesia that allows the smell of a baby head to overrule your good senses.

I have painting clothes, sets of them, because I know I’ll experience this amnesia and allow the allure of pretty bright walls to block out the pain of painting.  This summer I fell victim to my soap room.

IMG_0298First the ceiling and the walls, which went fairly smoothly. The floors were a whole different story. First the acid wash to clean the floor, then primer and a paint on one half of the floor at a time.


Then came the rain and things had to be moved back inside before the floor was completely dry.


So more touch ups and painting around chaos.




And then came the flooding with all that rain that caused me to repaint again and again. (Did I mention it rained for a solid week?)

Digging and installing a french drain solved the problem!



the painting finally ceased! May I have medication with the next one?

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Blueberry Citrus

Yesterday I made a citrus soap with blueberry seeds. I love exfoliating soaps, maybe too much? I want to try a little color, so I added purple oxide to the blueberry seed portion.


Freshly poured you can see a little bit of grey with seeds.


I just cut it and there is no color. A bit disappointing, but I added to little color to too much soap, so I’ll just try it again in another batch.

Four Bucks Soap

I tried my hand at making Four Thieves soap. I was intrigued by the legend of four thieves, read about it here.

I decided to name mine Four Bucks in honor of my goatie boys.


This is right after cutting, it has darken up a bit since yesterday and I still need to try it out to make sure it’s not too strong that it won’t irritate skin.